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Array 1.24.0

Welcome to The PostHog Array 1.24.0! Quite a lot has changed since we last talked...

Community MVP 🏆

This release cycle's Community MVP goes to...


Adrien has been submitting PRs left and right, helping us improve the core PostHog platform, as well as our libraries and documentation!

As of writing, Adrien is by far the top contributor to PostHog in April, with 11 PRs merged over these first two weeks:

Contributors Stats

Thank you so much Adrien! Hope you've been enjoying the PostHog merch you accumulated.

If you haven't seen it yet, we have a new page dedicated to our contributors. Every contributor gets their own digital card, and we provide a leaderboard with stats on the contributions made by each contributor. We also have a bot that sends a gift card for PostHog merch to contributors for every PR merged, and we welcome all types of contributions!

In this release:

  • New: IP location data available to all PostHog users
  • New: Display a list of cohorts a given user is in on their person page
  • New: Custom data attributes support for the toolbar
  • New: Advanced dashboard collaboration features
  • New: S3 export plugin
  • New: Snowflake export app
  • Improvement: Session recording support for heavy websites
  • Improvement: Multiple new configuration options for posthog-js
  • Improvement: First Time Event Tracker plugin now tracks session starts

Ready to find out more?

PostHog 1.24.0 Release Notes

If you're self-hosting and want to upgrade for a better experience and new features, remember to update your PostHog instance.

GeoIP for all


Apps are now live on PostHog Cloud, and, as a bonus, we have now added out-of-the-box support for the PostHog GeoIP enricher, which adds location properties to your events, such as country and city, as well as a dozen other values!

The app works on both cloud and self-hosted installations (1.24.0 minimum).

New 'Cohorts' tab on person pages

Cohorts tab

When viewing a person's page in PostHog, you can now toggle between a view of their properties and a view of the cohorts this person is in, giving you a lot more context on the user you're looking at.

Toolbar support for custom data attributes

Data attr

To make the experience of using the PostHog toolbar better, we have recommended that you set data-attr on your elements, so that the toolbar can leverage it for finding elements. However, since a lot of our users already used their own data attributes, we now support adding a list of your own data attributes for the toolbar to look for.

You can configure this in 'Project Settings'.

Dashboard collaboration features

Dashboard collab

Our dashboards keep getting better with every new release, and this one is no different!

Dashboards now support descriptions and tags, making it easier for teams to collaborate when creating internal analytics reports.

These are enterprise features available to our paying Cloud customers, and to enterprise self-hosted users.

If you're interested in having these features on your self-hosted PostHog instance, contact us on

S3 and Snowflake export apps

We have new apps to send PostHog events to S3 buckets and Snowflake instances!

You have Marius to thank for these - and you really should. Our resident progressive urbanite had to work hard to get around all sorts of hurdles to get these out.

The apps work on both PostHog Cloud and self-hosted installations (1.24.0 minimum) - check it out here.

Session recording for heavy websites

If you tell Karl you found an issue with session recording, he will fix it.

Such was the case with session recording for heavy websites (e.g. those with a lot of images/CSS). We were failing to process large snapshots, leading users of these websites unable to get many session recordings.

This is now fixed - expect a lot more recordings available to you from now on!

New configuration options for posthog-js

Following user requests, there are now 10 new config options for posthog-js, allowing you to use autocapture with greater privacy for your users, as well as tailor session recording configuration.

The new options are:

  • mask_all_text: Specifies if PostHog should capture the textContent of autocaptured elements
  • mask_all_attributes: Specifies if PostHog should capture the attributes of autocaptured elements
  • session_recording: Accepts an object that lets you configure the following rrweb options:
    • blockClass
    • blockSelector
    • ignoreClass
    • maskAllInputs
    • maskInputOptions
    • maskInputFn
    • slimDOMOptions
    • collectFonts
    • recordCanvas

See our JS library page for more details.

Track session starts

Our First Time Event Tracker now also tracks session starts. By enabling it you will get session_started events in PostHog, as well as events that started a session will be tagged with property is_first_event_in_session set to true.

Share your feedback

We'd love to hear anything you have to say about PostHog, good or bad. As a thank you, we'll share some awesome PostHog merch.

Want to get involved? Email us to schedule a 30 minute call with one of our teams to help us make PostHog even better!

Community Shoutouts

Big thanks to the following members of our community who have contributed to PostHog over this release cycle:

Open Roles

If you'd love to help us build PostHog, we have a lot of openings available!

We're looking for:

  • Full Stack Engineers
  • Senior Full Stack Engineers
  • Sales Engineer
  • Senior Mobile Engineer
  • Senior Product Designer
  • Product Marketer
  • Any role you think you'd be a great fit for

Check out our Careers page for more info.

Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

In addition to the highlights listed above, we also merged a bunch of PRs improving PostHog's performance and fixing bugs:

Ready to find out more?